About Us
Richard Mandell, Lic.Ac., received his diploma in Acupuncture from The New England School of Acupuncture and is licensed by the Committee on Acupuncture/Board of Medicine in Massachusetts. He is also certified by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) and is a Certified Registered NADA Trainer. He has been in private practice since 1990 and for 14 years worked at Dimock Community Health Center. For 17 years he also served on the faculty of The New England School of Acupuncture.
Richard is a Co-Founder of the AIDS Care Project (ACP) and is also the founder and executive director of The Global Acupuncture project (formerly, The PanAfrican Acupuncture Project), a program that trains practitioners in Africa and Mexico how to use simple acupuncture protocols to address the needs of those with HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, and other debilitating conditions. (For more information, go to www.globalacupuncture.org.)
- New England School of Acupuncture
- Brown University
- Oberlin College
- Licensed by the Committee on Acupuncture, Board of Medicine, MA
- Certified NADA Trainer
Alexandra Buzzeo
- Hofstra University (BA in Psychology)
- New York University (MA in Psychology)
- New England School of Acupuncture
- Licensed by the Committee on Acupuncture Board of Medicine, MA
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